You may be wondering why a recurring pest control service is necessary when a one-time treatment can just be purchased whenever an infestation becomes present. Here is what you may not know about the benefits of recurring pest control treatments.
Read MoreHere are a few tips to help you stop an ant infestation from getting completely out of hand and how to solve the problem once and for all!
Read MoreSwarms In spring, many honey bee colonies swarm. If you should find a swarm in a location that can’t be tolerated due to safety issues, contact a beekeeper or a pest control company.
Read MoreBy knowing how to spot termites to an early stage will help you prevent an infestation saving you thousands of dollars in your home,
Read MoreEach year, termites cause significant damage to structures and crops in subtropical and warm, arid regions of the United States. Homeowners spend billions of dollars annually to treat infestations and repair termite damage.
Read MoreWorldwide, rats and mice spread over 35 diseases. These diseases can be spread to humans directly, through handling of rodents, through contact with rodent feces, urine, or saliva, or through rodent bites. Diseases carried by rodents can also be spread to humans indirectly, through ticks, mites or fleas that have fed on an infected rodent.
Read MoreWith rodent infestations, many consider tackling the issue themselves rather than hiring professional pest control. These are a few issues that constantly frustrate those who choose the DIY route.
Read MoreGetting rid of mosquitoes is easy once you understand the biology of a mosquito.
Mosquitoes are vectors, which means they are capable of transmitting a disease and can be considered a public health nuisance. Around the world, there are more than 3,500 species of mosquitoes. Only a few of them can transmit diseases to people. Here in Los Angeles County, we’re most worried about the mosquito species dangerous to humans.
Read MoreSummer has once again returned and with it, as always, are swarms of bees and wasps seeking to build themselves a home. Here are three easy steps to limit the risk of bees or wasps choosing your property to set up shop!
Read MoreThere are several things you can do before a bed bug treatment to help ensure success. Here as 7 steps to prepare for a bed bug treatment!
Read MoreDo have have unwanted guests in your bed? Here are 5 places to check for Bed Bugs so you can know for sure.
West Nile Virus (a potentially deadly infection) has come to Los Angeles and residents are starting to be affected.
Read MoreIt is important for you to know the type of fly you are dealing with and how to properly protect your home from further fly infestations.
Read MoreWhen preparing for a cockroach treatment, it’s vital to make sure you’ve completed all the necessary steps to ensure success! Here are the 3 steps to prepare for a cockroach treatment and 3 steps for after the treatment is completed.
Read MoreThis is a video explaining how to prepare for a Bed Bug treatment. There are several things you can do before a bed bug treatment to help ensure success. Here as 7 steps to prepare for a bed bug treatment!
It is important to identify the causes and factors surrounding the virus so that you may be better prepared. Here is some important information regarding fleas and the spreading disease.
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